Comparing yourself- dont do it.

Hi baby!

Today was a super chill day. I mostly rested and wrote some on my new story. 

Its midnight at the moment and I caught my reflection in the window

I have been disliking the way my body has been looking lately. The reason for that is because: I ususally look up a lot of fitness accounts on Instagram for workout tips but as time went by, instead of being insprited, I started comparing myself with these mega-fit-no-ounce-of-fat-body women… almost to the point where all I saw waa what was “wrong” with my body instead of what was “good”. Instead of appreciating my strength and my muscular thighs, all I saw was the lack of abs, my not so defined biceps and still giggly inner thighs… and I started to hate it. Even though I’m not “cured” yet (because hating on my body which I dedicated sweat and pain to build feels like a sickness) I was very proud of what I caught sight of in the window. 

This is just a temporary sickness, I still am very proud of my body. I just need to learn to not compare myself to the fitness people I fallow. 

Anyways, how was your saturday, my cupcake? I really hope you got some rest and remembered to eat well. You know I hate it when you ignore your health. 

Sleep tight, sweetiepie. 

