Job interview today


Hi dear~
How has my darling been? Who’s that asshole bringing you down? Tell me and I’ll break that bitch’s face!

Anyways, I had a job interview today, I dont know what to think about it; it was odd in a way.
I applied for a position as a receptionist at a company that focuses on importing other companies to make them be more appealing towards employees.

Its just that the manager had soo many rules and expectations I know for a fact a receptionist shouldnt do.. :/


Help me, love… Im cant seem to find a good song to choreograph and its bringing my spirit down.. 😦

I’ll find it, it just takes time, I know 🙂



Hi darling.

Today completely sucked.

That test-day at the new place was awful. They were discouraging, they laughed when I made mistakes and the didn’t really care to have me learn much. So when I accidentally spilled something and they started laughing infront of everyone, I couldn’t take it anymore. I went downstairs, I took my bag and left.

I feel so frustrated and the only person’s voice I wanna hear now is the one person I can’t call or text. I really want to but then again last time we talked I was told “Leave me alone”.

It’s insane how one person’s words can make you feel so much better, but not being able to talk to that person can make you so much worse than what you already were.

Life fucking sucks. I don’t care what anybody has to say: today sucked.

I wanna pretend to be a koala, snuggle up and bury my head in the crook of your neck and never see sunlight again.


Just kill me please.

