First day of the exam

Hi baby!

How are you today? My brian is so fried that I can barely spell properly. I have massive headache and my back hurts. I’ve been sitting infront of the laptop working in the exam since 8 am today.

Started off the day with turkish coffee and snacks after a quick breakfast. Turkish coffee is always the way to go ^^ ❤

I am done for the day and gonna finish the rest tomorrow. The exam is due tomorrow midnight so I hope to finish it by then.

Also, I’ve gotten my latest stuff from Just Strong!

Super comfy, affordable training clothes. Their original design tights are squat-proof if you are looking for a pair! I always wear them on legdays!

When making you purchase, don’t forget to use discount code OZZYSONM10 for 10% off!



August 2020 – Lots have happened

Hi Baby!

It’s been a long time since I last talked to you. How have you been?

Lot’s have happened since I last wrote to you which was right after new years eve. Wow, I mean, lots have happened after that. I’ll try to not ram it all in to one post but I’ll sum it up as much as possible^^

University started right after new years eve and went pretty well, I’m on vacation now, both from Uni and work, until the end of august. The second semester begins on the 31st of august.
Even though it’s gone pretty well, I have to admit it’s been a challenge. Not only uni itself but I’ve also continued working while going to uni as much as possible in order to still be able to pay my bills. So I worked almost 85%; The days I have lectures I worked in the evening while the office was empty, and the days I didn’t have any lectures I worked during the day and studied during the evening. I wasn’t planing on taking time off work during the summer but knowing I have another 6 months of work and uni waiting at the end of the month made me realise I really need to let my brain rest.

Okay, so: At the beginning of march, I finally got an apartment and moved!!


It’s a small one bu it’s nice; it’s a one bedroom apartment and it has a bathtub. We’ll probably move at the end of the year to something bigger so that my SO (significant other) can have a separate office but we’re making it work for now.


Because he was in London when I moved in, my friends helped me build the furniture. Not everything is new though, what ever I had from the last apartment that I could bring; I did. I’ll show you what it looks like once it’s decorated and the interior is done.

My SO was stuck in London due to the lockdown, so I came to London at the end of April and have been in London since then so I haven’t finished decorating it yet. We’re flying home to Stockholm next week before the next Covid-19 wave hits, I’ll be able to finish decorating it then.

While here in London, we’ve been very careful remaining isolated and only meeting the people that we choose to bubble ourselves with. We’ve gone for walks everyday after work and even went on a small hike once ( I did not enjoy it, I was on the verge of getting an asthma attack during the whole hike) but we didn’t know it was gonna be like that before we were halfway through.



I’m gonna get up and make some breakfast now, I’ll write to you again in a short while. I promise to do my very best not to take so long again.



Finding my way back to my routine

Hi baby!

How have you been? I’ve had so much to do and worry about, I’ve barely had the time to rest, let alone blog. I’m sorry ❤

Things are finally falling in to place, ish, so I can slowly get back to doing the shit I used to.

My whiplash is much better, almost completely gone. It’s still a bit sore though because it hurts when I squat because if the weight in my shoulders.

Speaking of squats: I’M FINALLY BACK IN THE GYM Y’ALL!

I switched my good ol’ gym card to a Sats card ( swedish posh gym) because my workplace has a discount deal with them. That sounds all nice and jolly except SATS FUCKING SUCKS ASS! When I say SUCKS ASS I mean it literally is the shittiest gym ever. There are more stuck up people flexing for photos than people actually working out. And because they only have common area gyms ( no female only section) I was constantly interrupted by men coming up to me MID-SQUAT asking me if I need help of I’d like them to guard me (standing behind me, ready to remove the weight in case I can’t finish it)

Thank you very much, dipshit, I can probably squat your bodyweight so I think I’m fine -.-


We’ve finally moved; the apartment is completely ruined so we’re waiting for the landlord to have it renovated before we can unpack our stuff. I’ll show you photos when it’s done.

The only down part about moving is that now, I don’t really have a place to call my home. Because my mom’s apartment is so small, I’m staying there about 2-3 days per week and the rest of the days at my boo’s place. That results in some of my stuff being at his and some at my mom’s. Which sucks. So I feeel a bit like a homeless, swaying between two places, hoping to move to something more permanent.


Having things being a tiny bit more organized means I hopefully get to get back to reading and writing again.


I’m off to bed, I’m sleepy



Prepping for fasting

Hi baby!


How was your week? Mine was stressful as fuck and now I have a cold. I hate having the dry coughing, but i HATE having a stuffy nose a lot more.

I rather chop off my a leg then having a stuffy nose. Everyone thinks I’m exaggerating but I HATE HAVING A STUFFY NOSE!!!


Back to the cold; I’m home resting to help my body get better



I’ve been forcing my self to eat food since I don’t have any appetite.

I have to get better before the end of this week. Not only because I need to be able to get back to work on Monday but also because ramadan fasting begins on Monday and I need to be healthy so I can start fasting.


I am now gonna go and get myself my 6th cup of tea with honey in hopes that my coughing will lessen.




Yet another weekend

Hi baby!


How was your week? Mine has been… meh.

One thing that did happen that was exciting was this:



I am officially a JUSTSTRONG ambassador. JUSTSTRONG is a fitness clothing company that focuses on women’s health and fitness. They focus a lot on representing a more realistic view of fitness for women.

The idea of fitness has changed so much over the last couple of years. Society, and social media, has conditioned us into thinking being a fit women either means being tall and skinny with a flat stomach or being buff and jacked with butts and boobs super large with your legs are thin and your stomach is flat. Unrealistic. Fit women come in all shapes and sizes!

Do check out their site if you’re interested in fitness clothing. (They sell leggings that are squat friendly!). They’re products are super neat and cool, the material is nice, plus: IT DOESN’T COST A KIDNEY!.

If you wanna get some stuff ordered, make sure to use OZZYSONM10 to get 10% off!





It’s sunday today and I lowkey wish the weekend was a day extra long :/ Don’t you agree baby?

How was your weekend been? Did you get to sleep and rest?


I’m gonna finish painting my nails and then go put on a face mask. Sunday is self-care day. ^^


