Back from haitus – again

Hi baby!

How have you been? For me? It’s been quite hectic to say the least. University started again at the end of august and has been a stress-filled race since! After having done two months of law and now wellfare state history, my brain is all mushy. This course ends first of december followed by the course “wellfare state economics” which is gonna be even worse. More people that give up on this program, do so due to the wellfare state courses apparently. They are very hectic, badly planned and difficult. Working 60% and going to university full time is exhausting but I’ve managed to make it work so far.
Let’s hope for the best ^^

Guess what’s happening by the end of the year? I am moving!!! Me and my SO have finally found a good apartment to move in to. If you know anything about the Stockholm housing system, you’ll know it’s really difficult to find an apartment, let a lone a larger one. But we searched and dug and finally found one for us.

What kind of apartment are we moving in to? A 3 bedroom(4 room apartment, we call it in Sweden) in Nacka. It’s newly built on top of the hill and Nacka is a really good place to live. It’s nice and quiet and decently close to the city central.

It’s gonna be nice so finally move back to a larger apartment since we live in a one bedroom apartment now. There’s of course nothing wrong with that, if it’s a roof over your head and you can lock the door it’s good enough but I also understand that it’s nice to upgrade if it’s possible.

I’m very excited to have a proper study/work room and a guest bedroom to say nonetheless. It’d make my life a lot easier and I won’t have to work and study on the dinner table in the kitchen.

I’ll make sure to show you lots of photos both before and after I’ve moved in^^

Bye for now


Almost February

Hi baby!

Can you believe it’s almost February? I mean holy shit haha!

Have you made any vacation plans for the summer yet? Something exciting or maybe just somewhere to relax?

Last year I did like I always do, I did the honourable thing and only took a minimum amount of vacation days while everyone else took freaking 5 weeks. So I said fuck it and requested 4 weeks (I want to save 5 days for later incase I need them). The problem is that vacation days are usually determined around March-april but the closer you get to the summer months, the more expensive it gets. So, i requested mine to be determined within the month. Hopefully they’ll let me have the days I wanted so that I can book my flight and all that as soon as possible.

In addition to that, I still have 5 days saved from last year. If I can, and I end up saving enough money for it, Im gonna try to visit korea for a week in March, but we’ll se about that later.

It’s really cold today over here. If it’s cold over there, do make sure to dress warmly. I dont want you to get sick or to catch a cold.

